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Smart Irrigation Month preparations | Irrigation Association - June 20, 2010 June 21/2010


FALLS CHURCH, VA — To encourage all irrigation industry professionals toparticipate in July’s Smart Irrigation Month, the Irrigation Association has launched a Smart Marketing Contest. The contest will recognize industry professionals’ efforts to promote the annual campaign and its key messages.

IA designated July as Smart Irrigation Month in 2006 to promote efficient watering practices, technologically advanced irrigation products and water conservation. Industry professionals are encouraged to promote water efficiency messaging to business partners, customers and water end users.

“Manufacturers, distributors, dealers, contractors, growers and water providers should all be involved with Smart Irrigation Month,” said Dave Magner, marketing manager, Rain Bird Corp., who chairs IA’s Smart Irrigation Month Committee. “Whether you focus on agriculture, turf/landscape or golf, use July to communicate the importance of irrigation efficiency to your customers, your vendors, your employees and all water consumers. Showcase your success in our contest or visit the website for ready-to-use tools and promotional ideas.”

The Smart Marketing Contest will award winners in both agriculture and turf/landscape, with special recognition for small businesses. Entries will be judged on messaging, quality and creativity. All entrants will be recognized online and at the 2010 Irrigation Show in December.

Industry professionals can find contest details, resources and ideas for promotions at The site includes free tools, including logos, public service announcements and full-color advertisements.

Value-priced bumper stickers and labels are also available for purchase at Visitors can also download a recent webinar that featured Smart Irrigation Month case studies from The Toro Co., a manufacturer; Reid Irrigation, a contractor; Automatic Irrigation Supply, a distributor; and the City of Carmel, Indiana, a water provider. 

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