Design * Build * Maintain - Weston, Florida (888) 820 8069

In The Landscape Loop: Save Water, Spend On Plants - October 27, 2010 October 27/2010


We continue to get pressured by regulators to reduce water use on the landscape — many times with good reason. Even after a rain, I see irrigation running on well-maintained properties where rain sensors are not shutting down the regular irrigation cycle. Aside from the environmental implications of overusing this valuable natural resource, the efficient use of water is an easy way to save money for your customers and maybe get them to put a little money into landscape improvements.

We have customers who regularly get $1,000 monthly water bills during the dry season. By cutting the irrigation off at the back flow during the rainy season, we save them most of that money. We also save money on irrigation maintenance, pesticide applications, and fertilizer. Even on smaller properties or residences, the savings add up. We let our customers know that a good place to spend that found money is for landscape improvements, and I’d much rather see them spend that money on plants, flowers, and trees than on water.

Thanks to our tip provider: Billy Butterfield, owner, AmeriScapes Landscape Management Services Inc., Orlando, FL. 

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