Design * Build * Maintain - Weston, Florida (888) 820 8069

Client Section

Web Based Client software

Our company uses a web-based project management software where we manage all of our account communications and information. This way property owners, property managers and project managers have instant access to information regarding their:

  • Projects
  • Invoices
  • Estimates
  • Drawings - Landscape Plans
  • Project Files
  • To-Dos, etc.


This web-based software keeps all of your data centralized and accessible over the web from any computer at any time. It is safe, secure, and password protected, of course.

Smart Choice strives to offer the best customer service. Our focus is on communication and collaboration with our clients, thus the basis of our core company values. Using and sharing this software allows us to communicate more effectively. Once becoming a new client, you will receive instant access to the project management software.

For all existing accounts, click on the link below.

Go to Client Area

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